Thursday, 16 April 2015

Catching up

We've had a packed day today, managing to fit in a lovely and long overdue catch-up with Sue over coffee in the sunshine on our patio this morning, a brief catch-up with Donatella and Alex when they came to drop off the gift of half a pumpkin this afternoon (which is now cooking for our dinner), and several hours of office work for me and a bit more wall building for Stuart.

There's not a lot more to report though - oh, other than a helicopter that we watched all day yesterday and all day today flying back and forth from the area where our communal bins are located. We watched (and heard) it a lot yesterday, but as we can't actually see the spot where it was landing each time (it's just hidden from view around the corner of the hillside), it was only this morning, while sitting on the patio with Sue, that we worked out what it was actually doing: it seemed to be carrying either telegraph poles or electricity poles to different places both up and down the valley, presumably repairing damage done in last month's storms.

We managed to get a couple of photos of it, although without any cargo on this occasion:


So there you have it, a very satisfying day - a much needed catch-up and putting the world to rights, as well as a quick hello, the gift of a pumpkin, a few hours of work and plenty of sunshine.

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